
I’m Jac.

Word lover, creator of content and crafter of clever copy.

Copywriting was always written in the stars for me. As a child I pored over word games, created my very own Dewey Decimal Library System and was obsessed with palindromes [civic was my favourite].


I’ve always loved how words can bring thoughts and experiences to life. How they can connect people and places. How they can inspire big feelings, and initiate powerful actions. Nothing much has changed and I relish my job helping businesses bring their stories and their brand to life.

Since starting Tumbleword, I've worked extensively on print and web projects for a motley crew of clients and have had my work published on various digital and print platforms including The Age, Good Food and Broadsheet. I’ve also created content for big brands like SEEK, Monash University and HESTA as well as smaller players paving their creative paths.

Why this Melbourne copywriter?

I work for you, but I always make it my business to work alongside you too. To uphold and showcase your brand identity and make it snap, crackle and pop in all the right places. I believe in true collaboration, so I’ll check in at all touchpoints along the project journey.

       I’m on a constant ride of learning and upskilling, the fruits of which I can pass on to the copy I write for you. I’ve studied extensively under the Australian Writers Centre to refine my craft and perfect my services.

I worked in education and government for fifteen years, so I’m well versed at writing relatable, plain English. I don’t write words for the sake of it and pare my copy back to where it needs to be. Yes, even in real estate, you don’t need too many synonyms.


I stick to my guns and hold my brand values close to me, so I won’t waiver in how I go about doing business. If I say I will deliver tomorrow, I will deliver tomorrow. If I recognise copy (my own or yours) could be better, I’ll say so.

I make it my mission to immerse myself in your world – getting to know your brand and your clients. I’ll ask lots of questions and unearth all the possibilities.

My brand values



I’m a hand-on-heart lifelong learner on a constant ride to learn more, do better and try harder. I lean in and listen, always.  I acknowledge my limitations but never sit on my laurels.


Being part of something bigger than myself brings me joy. Connecting with, and learning about people fills my proverbial bucket and my deep-seeded nosey inclinations.


I tap into other creative pursuits, people and places to nurture my own creativity. Be it reading a book, listening to a podcast or connecting with other creatives, it’s how I improve my work and person.


What you see is what you get with me. There’s no fluff, no BS and no being pliable to suit other people’s agenda. I stand true to myself and what I believe in, and like to think this shines through in my work, my socials and my daily encounters.